The products are delivered to the address you indicate in your order.
The average delivery time usually observed is less than 5 days. The delivery time is a maximum of fourteen working days for metropolitan France and 20 working days for the DROM COM and foreign countries. This deadline is the only one binding the company.
In the event of a delay in the delivery of the products ordered, Allande will make every effort to inform you. You can also notify us of the delay in delivery yourself by email to the e.mail address: or by calling the company’s customer service on 0801 800 923, (free call from a fixed line in mainland France), Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., except public holidays or non-working days.
Allande undertakes to take the necessary steps to determine the cause of the delay and find an adequate solution with a view to the actual delivery of the products ordered as soon as possible.
In any case, in the event that, after your order, a product becomes totally or partially unavailable, Allande will inform you by email of this unavailability and give you the possibility:
Either to be delivered a product of a quality and price equivalent to that ordered;
Or to be reimbursed for the price of the product no later than 30 days from the payment of the order. If the package is damaged or damaged or opened during delivery, you must imperatively make handwritten reservations on the delivery note, of which you must keep a copy. You must then send a copy of your complaint to customer service, by e.mail: or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt (Allande, Service Client, 12 avenue Louis Ricoux, 87210 LE DORAT).
– The Company uses several carriers depending on the choice of your delivery method. You will be able to follow the delivery of your package by logging into the space reserved for you on our Online Shop, with your username and password.
– For DROM-COM and countries outside the European Union, shipments are made under incoterm DAP (Delivery at place), shipping costs are borne by the sender, duties and taxes are borne by the buyer)
Guarantees: the seller is bound by the legal guarantee of conformity mentioned in articles L. 217-4 to L. 217-16 of the consumer code and that relating to defects in the thing sold under the conditions provided for in articles 1641 to 1648 and 2232 of the civil code.
Consumer Code:
Article L. 217-4 : The seller is required to deliver goods that comply with the contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery. He is also liable for any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging, the assembly instructions or the installation when this has been charged to him by the contract or has been carried out under his responsibility.
Article L. 217-5 To be in conformity with the contract, the good must: 1°) Be suitable for the use usually expected of a similar good and, if necessary: - correspond to the description given by the seller and possess the qualities that the latter has presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model; – present the qualities that a buyer can legitimately expect given the public statements made by the seller, the producer or his representative, in particular in advertising or labeling; 2°) Or present the characteristics defined by mutual agreement by the parties or be suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the knowledge of the seller and which the latter has accepted.
Article L. 217-12The action resulting from the lack of conformity is prescribed by two years from the delivery of the goods.
Article L. 217-16 When the buyer asks the seller, during the course of the commercial guarantee which was granted to him during the acquisition or repair of movable property, for a restoration covered by the guarantee, any period of immobilization of at least seven days is added to the remaining warranty period. This period runs from the request for intervention by the buyer or the provision for repair of the property in question, if this provision is subsequent to the request for intervention.
Civil Code :
Article 1641 : The seller is bound by the guarantee on account of the hidden defects of the thing sold which render it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which so diminish this use that the buyer would not have acquired it, or does not would have given a lesser price, if he had known them.
Article 1648 : The action resulting from redhibitory defects must be brought by the purchaser within two years from the discovery of the defect.
Defective products :
All our items are systematically checked on leaving our manufacturing workshops. However, if an item proves to be defective, we undertake to replace it with an identical product. Any request for the return of a product must be sent by the customer, by email to the e.mail address: or by calling the company’s customer service on 0801 800 923, (free call from a fixed line in mainland France), Monday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., except public holidays or non-working days, within 8 days of receipt of the order. This request must precisely indicate the defect(s) of the defective product.
Our customer service will then inform, by e-mail, the customer of their decision to accept or refuse the return of the product. However, this acceptance will only be final upon receipt of the defective product returned by the customer and the effective observation of the defect(s).
When the exchange is definitively accepted by the Company, the return costs, such as the shipping costs of an identical product, will be borne by the Company. However, the return costs will only be reimbursed to the customer upon presentation of proof.
Items will only be taken back in their original packaging, intact and in a perfectly clean state.
The exchange will only be accepted within the framework of strict compliance with this procedure.
However, if the identical product is no longer available, the Allande company will inform you by email of this unavailability and will give you the possibility:
Either to be delivered a product of a quality and price equivalent to that ordered;
Or to be reimbursed for the price of the defective product. This refund can only be made after receipt of the defective product and inspection of the latter by our quality department. It is recalled that the responsibility of the customer, in the event of the return of a product, is engaged. The property must be returned in new condition. We undertake to refund the defective item within 14 days of receipt of the defective item. This refund will be made using the same payment method used for the initial transaction.

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